November 22, 2008

Jeff Update

Jeff's scheduled visit to the hospital ended up happening a little sooner than we planned. He called me late Thursday afternoon at work and told me he was having chest pains so I rushed home and took him to the ER. After hours of tests and waiting they ended up admitting him late that night. Friday morning he went into the cath lab as planned and his cardiologist couldn't find any new blockage and reported that all of the stents that he has are beautiful. This was good news. The doctor is convinced that this was all stress related so now comes the difficult task of trying to destress Jeff. I think alot of it has to do with the crazy travel schedule that he has had this year. He was gone every other week from January - June and then again from August -November. Thankfully other than a quarterly meeting in St. Louis in mid December he is home and he is going to try to get all local regions for next year.

Jeff is also really interested in trying to adjust his diet somewhat. We are going to try the anti-inflammatory diet. Many of the foods that you are encouraged to eat are all foods that were low point Weight Watchers foods so maybe this will help keep me on track and take off the last 5-10 lbs I would like to lose. We went shopping this morning and stocked up on salmon, tilapia, shrimp, fresh veggies, whole wheat pastas, berries, etc . . . I guess this means we better throw out all of the left over Halloween candy.

I was able to sneak away from the hospital for a few minutes on Friday to go to Grant's Thanksgiving program at school. My mom stayed with Jeff and my dad and I went to the show.
Grant was the narrator.

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