December 9, 2008

Winter Weather

Even though it is not officially winter yet, I think it's here. On our drive to school this morning it was beginning to snow and it continued to do so throughout the day. I think we only got a little over an inch, but it was just enough to make the driving conditions unpleasant tonight on the way home. This wasn't a good week for Jeff to take my car. That left me with his little truck and I didn't do so hot. I'm not used to driving a 5-speed, much less on ice. Grant and I didn't go over about 10 mph on the way home and at one point we hit a really slick spot which caused me and the car beside me to begin sliding and spinning. I think we made two complete turns in the middle of Maple street. Besides being so embarrasing it was quite scary. I was sure the van beside us was going to hit us but somehow we manged to avoid each other. I however did not avoid saying a REALLY bad word during this spinning ordeal. It wasn't one of my finer parenting moments. I can't tell if it was the near wreck or me saying the naughty word that upset Grant more. It took awhile for me to get him settled down after we finally made it home. We talked more tonight about the bad choice that mommy made and I asked him to forgive me. I think all is well now but I really am dredding the thought of getting back out there tomorrow morning. Thank goodness my neighbor Mary works with me because I think we will be catching a ride with her. No more truck and icy roads for me.

1 comment:

Jessica B said...

Driving in the snow is one thing I definitely do not miss. I'm glad you guys were ok. I agree, no more driving the truck in the snow for you.