The last day of school came and went for me yesterday and as usual it was a little bittersweet. I'm always excited about the prospect of having 2 1/2 months of vacation but it's so hard to say goodbye to the kids in my class. If you think about it, I spend more time with them than I do my own family. We become our own family at school. I also get to see them grow so much over the year. Most of them come to 1st grade not knowing how to read and by the end of the year they can pick up nearly any book and read almost every word. It's amazing how much growth really does happen right before my eyes. Teaching first grade really is a rewarding job!!!!
Starting my classroom
blog last year in December made me take so many more pictures than I have in previous years. It was so fun to sit down this week and go through all of them to make an end of the year video. Believe it or not I had a hard time narrowing it down to only 300 pictures. I wasn't exactly prepared for the response it got from the kids. Within the first 15 seconds (literally) I had kids crying, which of course makes me cry. Crying in first grade is kind of a domino effect because once one child gets upset they all do. We ended up with tears on and off all day. I wish I could have gotten a picture of all the teary eyes on the way out the door to the bus. It would have broken your heart.
Needless to say the last day of school was an emotionally exhausting day!!! So, to unwind we met our friends the Cronk's at On The Border for some yummy mexican food and drinks. Then we all ended up back at our house on the deck to have a few more drinks while the kids played outside. It was the perfect end to the end of the year!!!