September 30, 2008


For those of you who know me well you know that I'm always reading something. This is a fun little series of books that I started and would recommend if you are looking for something to read for enjoyment. Being somewhat of a shopaholic myself, I can relate to some of the funny things that happen to Becky Bloomwood, the main character. And the best part is there is a movie currently being filmed staring Isla Fischer that is set to be released on February 13th.

Want to find out if you are a shopaholic. Take this quiz I found online. I guess I'm not as big of a shopaholic as I thought I was. Although Jeff might not agree!!!

So far I have read these books in the series. There are a few more that I need to look for next time I'm at the bookstore.


aleshia said...

Oh you must read Shopaholic & Baby! I'm a big Sophie Kinsella reader too and I loved this one!Aleshia

Anonymous said...

I received Shopaholic & Sister for a gift some time ago. I haven't had a chance to read it. You have inspired me to pick it up and start reading. I will let you know how it is.